
Origen Cultural Festival

Juanjo Arques’s choreographic work Departure is dedicated to the Exodus and illuminates the topic from a contemporary perspective.

What is the meaning of exodus these days? Why do people travel around the world? What drives all peoples to leave their homeland? Is it the economic success, the escape from poverty, the pursuit of happyness? Or is it rather the war, religion, politics, fainting? 

Choreography Juanjo Arques
Music Black Zone Myth Chant, Kablam, Autechre, The Notwist
Costumes Barbara Langendijk & Natalie de Koning Stylist Anna Hoffmann
Lights Ursula Dagen Sound Franck Bourgoin Dancers Amber Pansters, Livia Petillo, Arno Brys and Wolfgang Tiezte. World premiere July 2015

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